Name: Legend of Norland
Version: 3.2.0
Root: Yes/No
1.) high dmg
2.) always crit (removed for banning avoidance)
3.) god mode when low HP (read below)
4.) auto enabled by default, toggle to get into manual
5.) added lifesteal (read below)
6.) significantly shorten CD, including the ulti CD
7.) bypass added DEFAULT -- read bypass below
1.) 5% of every (boosted) atk your heroes made will be translated into HP
God mode:
1.) activated when your hero HP is low
2.) once activated, will last up to 10 secs
3.) multiple activation is possible during a single fight
4.) dmg received is significantly reduced
5.) dmg produced is significantly boosted
6.) lifesteal is further boosted
7.) proportion of enemy atk is translated to lifesteal (currently disabled as you become too OP)
1.) all of the mods will only be activated when you enable music and sound.
2.) if you have any of them to be off, then you get into bypass mode
3.) bypass mode means no mods, you're back to original apk
4.) bypass only affect lifesteal, dmg, and CD mods.
Install Steps:
1.) download and extract OBB place to your /Android/obb/com.t1gamer.lmcs/ folder (rename apkpure xapk to zip; OBB inside)
2.) install modded APK
3.) play
Alternative install steps:
1.) install modded APK
2.) try to run, it will fail with black screen
3.) download OBB (either from apkpure or direct obb file below)
4.) put the OBB file (and only the file!!) inside the empty obb folder for the game
5.) play
1.) These mods fully work in PvE and PvP
2.) Crit here doesn't cost you rage, but if you use crit manually then it would consume rage
3.) anti-cheat is removed, someone said this is very important without understanding that we are modding community!
4. God mode and possibly other features will have some visuals so you know they're activated, don't be surprised

5.) a quick note about OBB download...the game will try to download OBB on first install, but sometimes this process will fail. Hence it's better if you just download the OBB manually as per installation above.
6.) ultimate skill (3rd skill on top) needs manual activation. Click it ! CD is significantly shorten

Issues associated with the game are best confirmed by installing original APK before reporting them here.
Usage of mods leads to banning, or worst someone next to you who've seen how awesome you are in the game will report you! You've been warned.
Like this post to get update. Post here if there are version upgrades!
Credits To: BTG (JMT)
Playstore Link: Google Playstore
apkpure: xapk apkpure
Download: zippyshare
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